SEO for Escape Rooms – Part Two: Keywords

Check out part two of our founder Brad Kendall’s informative SEO series on EscapeFront.

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Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into the search box on Google or other search engines, to find websites that match what they are looking for. Once you understand what words searchers are using to find your escape room, you can include those words in the content of your website and improve your ranking in search results.

Finding Keywords

SEO for Escape Rooms Keywords

In order to identify your target keywords, you need to do a bit of brainstorming/research. You should have in mind the searchers intent when searching with that keyword and optimize your SEO strategy accordingly. Ideally, you should find a primary keyword and hopefully a set of related secondary keywords that share the searcher’s intent. I would assume that in almost all cases, your user intent will be booking an escape room.


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